sábado, 25 de abril de 2015


We are preparing a project about our school vegetable garden to exchange with our Twinned School in Cheddleton (England).
This week we have been collecting leeks and garlic. We've also planted different vegetables such as tomatoes, lettuces, green peppers, sunflowers, pumpkins, etc.


We've made labels in English and Spanish for our vegetable garden too. We have used felt pens and colour pencils.



Working in the vegetable garden is hard work you have to be strong to pull the vegetables out of the soil and the most important thing you musn't  be scared of bugs.

Our teacher Rafa is an expert, he has been working in the garden since he was a child.

 These are the leeks and garlic that we have collected. I'm sure Mari Luz our shcool cook will know what to do with them.

Vamos a realizar un proyecto con nuestro colegio hermano en Inglaterra, sobre el huerto escolar. Para ello hemos recogido puerros y ajos y luego hemos plantado distintas hortalizas como tomates, lechuga, pimientos, calabazas y girasoles.
Nuestro profesor Rafa, es un experto, lleva trabajando en el huerto desde que era un niño y nos cuenta muchas anécdotas, además de enseñarnos a plantar y recolectar.
¡Mª Luz la cocinera del cole, seguro que sabe qué hacer con todas estas verduras!

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